Yoiks! It certainly has been a while since I’ve posted anything here. But to be fair, it’s been unprecedented times—in more ways than one.
2019 was one of the busiest years in the relatively short history of Working Vacation Studios—and one of my best years earning-wise in, like, ever. So, yay me!
And as the icing to that particular cake, I got to edit some truly amazing books, such as The Nothing Within by Andy Giesler, Folie à Deux by Mary Widdicks, Corporate Gunslinger by Doug Engstrom, and Dead Pelican by Lisa Haneberg.
But also, it was not without its challenges (i.e., work-life balance—um…whazzat?—becoming something I have to look up on Wikipedia ) and its hardships. Specifically, we lost my father to Pulmonary Fibrosis just after Thanksgiving. (Thanks in advance for your condolences; if you’re so moved, please donate to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.)
My dad, James L. “Pat” Spivey, during one of our salt water fishing expeditions in Mexico.
And then came…2020. The year I think all of us would rather forget.
However, 2020 was not without its highlights. Specifically, my clients stuck by me and kept me busy, and that is quite a blessing. (That, along with already being used to the whole working-from-home schtick.) So my thanks to them all, particularly Vendome Press and Yen Press, not to mention all the awesome indie authors who came to me via the Reedsy platform, including regulars such as Adam Bender and Lisa Haneberg.
But perhaps the biggest highlight is…I bought a house! My first one ever, no less!
The view from the new offices of Working Vacation Studios.
I’m still in the Portland, Oregon, metro area, just in a different suburb about nine miles from my former home base. But lots more space, a deck off the great room upstairs AND a patio below it off the garage, and I get to paint the walls whatever color I want (Alchemy was selected for the office).
Of course, 2020 had to f*** with the process, so my closing took about forty-five days to complete and I didn’t get my washer and dryer until about a month after I’d moved in.
Don’t worry… It never got quite this bad.
But still…new house!!
And speaking of the new, starting in 2021, Working Vacation Studios will be offering a new service: virtual pitch practice. Look for details after the holidays.
And on that note, I’m off to enjoy an extended break (I’ll be back at my desk on January 4). A very happy (and safe) holiday season to you all and my hopes that 2021 is…well, a whole lot less sucky.