Not sure if y'all saw this news when it broke, but a major contract dispute erupted between the Oakhurst Dairy in Portland, Maine, and their drivers over overtime pay. Just today, the dispute was finally settled. The ultimate culprit in all of this: the serial comma.
Yes, because the guy writing the contract opted not to use the serial, or Oxford, comma, the Oakhurst Dairy lost a major contract claim. While you can read the article to get all the details on the dispute, as well as a glimpse into the whole Oxford comma debate, I thought I'd provide this simple infographic primer on why this bit of punctuation can be very important:
(from The Gloss)
On a separate, but semi-related note, I was once introduced to an attractive woman whose opening words to me were, "So, what are your feelings on the Oxford comma?" Suffice to say, I was then putty in her hands and bought her at least two very expensive drinks. Just an early Valentine's Day tip for the future Mrs. Working Vacation Studios, wherever she may be.