Retreat to Darkmoor — now on Kickstarter!

Retreat to Darkmoor, the lastest Small Box / Big Fun game from Action Phase Games is up and Kickstarter...and it's already over 50% funded! AWE-SOOOOOME!!

This was another of APG's 2016 games that I had a chance to preview at last year's BGG.con, and it was easily my favorite (though I'm looking forward to editing—and then playing—all of the games they have on tap for this year). The whole concept of playing a retreating army ("Run away! Run awaaaaay!") is serious fun, and the competitive aspects feel more like you're flipping your opponents the bird, rather than making your day by ruining theirs. And after seeing the final art during my edit pass (the preview I played had placeholder images), this is one I can't wait to have on my shelf.

So as I say with all of Action Phase's games...wait are you waiting for? Go back it! NOW!! Your dark overlord commands it...
